Resilience Seminarと共催して、食と栄養と農業に関する英語のセミナーを開催します。
Bangladeshの報告ですが、 皆さんのご参加をお待ちしています。
日時: 2023年1月26日(木), 16:45-18:15
講演者: 松浦正典(アジア経済研究所)/ Masanori Matsuura (IDE-JETRO)
タイトル: Weather Shocks, Livelihood Diversification, and Household Food Security: Empirical Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
アブストラクト: Extreme weather shocks have occurred more frequently because of global climate change. Livelihood diversification including crop and income diversification is one of the most remarkable strategies to cope with economic and weather shocks to improve rural livelihood. We investigate the empirical linkages among weather shocks, livelihood diversification, and household food security, exploiting three waves of nationally representative rural household panel data merged with granular climate data in Bangladesh.
共催:JSPS科研費「食と栄養の安全保障ー世帯と地域のレジリアンス」 /日本アフリカ学会北海道支部