
日 時:2020年3月4日(水)15:30-17:30(予定)
場 所:龍谷大学 深草学舎 紫英館2階 第3共同研究室
〒612-8577 京都市伏見区深草塚本町67

演 題:Region-building in West Africa: Patterns and Prospects(予定)
講 師:ダニエル・C・バック氏(フランス国立科学研究センター名誉ディレクター)
Dr. Daniel C. Bach (Director of Research Emeritus of the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) at the Emile Durkheim Centre, University of Bordeaux)

要 旨:In West Africa, the coexistence of distinctive ‘threads’ of regionalism shapes the interplay between regionalism as a project and regionalisation as a process. The most visible outcome does not simply result in the co-existence of overlapping institutional projects. The entanglement of institutionally-driven blueprints with network-led dynamics contributes to shape the regional landscape in a powerful manner. This offers a reminder that in Africa, as in Europe or Asia, the ‘world of regions’ is underscored by a world of regionalisms.


備 考: 龍谷大学社会科学研究所付属アフリカ研究センターと共催