日 時:2024年3月21日(木)10:30-15:20、22日(金)10:30-16:00
場 所:大阪大学箕面キャンパス外国学研究講義棟4階中講義室(405)*対面のみ *定員70名
言 語:英語
備考:大阪大学と共 催
Day-1: Swahili day (21 March, 2024)
Session 1 (10:30-12:00)
1. Hannah Gibson (Essex)
“Morphosyntactic variation and emerging dialect areas of Swahili”
2. Keiko Takemura (Osaka)
“Report on Descriptive Studies of Viswahili in Unguja and Pemba Islands”
Session 2 (14:00-15:20)
3. Lutz Marten (SOAS)
“Perceptions and attitudes in the emerging dialect areas of Swahili”
4. Sayaka Kutsukake (Tohoku Gakuin)
“The Sociolinguistic Dynamics of Kiswahili Expansion”
Day-2: Bantu day (22 March, 2024)
Session 3 (10:30-11:50)
5. Koen Bostoen (Ghent)
“Bantu Language divergence and convergence and deep-time population history in the Lower Kasai area (DR Congo)”
6. Daisuke Shinagawa (ILCAA)
“Development of focus-related operations in KB (Bantu E60): AM, polarity, and beyond”
Session 4 (14:40-16:00)
7. Makoto Furumoto (ILCAA)
“On Potential Contributions of Nominalization Theory to the Description of Kimakunduchi”
8. Yukiko Morimoto (Berlin)
“Study of information structure in Bantu linguistics”
9. Nobuko Yoneda (Osaka)
“Noun modifying constructions in Bantu languages”