
演題:From a Troubled Past to a Positive Future: Discerning the Trends in Sustainable Peace building in Karamoja, Uganda
講師:Dr Eria Onyango Olowo (Makerere University)
要旨:In Uganda, up to recently, the Karamojong were equated to cattle raiding, guns, weapons trafficking and insecurity. In the last four decades, this pastoral zone, originally known for its nomadic pastoralists, became well-known for patterns of state failure and armed violence. In this paper, I use both ethnographic material and available literature to interrogate the relationship between the state in Uganda and the Karimojong; and how trends in such a relationship evolved to a more promising Karamoja. I will argue that the violence in Karamoja is an invention of a human-built social order in which groups of people and institutions are surviving.


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