タイトル:Book Launch Seminar: Shinichi Takeuchi (ed.), African Land Reform under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities, Springer, October 2021.



講演者①:Shinichi Takeuchi (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies , Japan / Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization , Japan)
講演タイトル①:Introduction: Drastic Rural Changes in the Age of Land Reform

講演者②:Kojo Amanor (University of Ghana, Ghana)
講演タイトル②:Land Administration, Chiefs, and Governance in Ghana

講演者③Akiyo Aminaka (IDE-JETRO, Japan)
講演タイトル③:Politics of Land Resource Management in Mozambique

講演者④Peter Narh (University of Ghana, Ghana)
講演タイトル④:Traversing State, Agribusinesses, and Farmers’ Land Discourse in Kenyan Commercial Intensive Agriculture


講演者①Horman Chitonge (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
講演タイトル①:‘We owned this land before the state was established’: The State, Traditional Authorities, and Land Policy in Africa

講演者②Chizuko Sato (IDE-JETRO, Japan)
講演タイトル②:Land Tenure Reform in Three Former Settler Colonies in Southern Africa

講演者③Teshome Emana (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
講演タイトル③Post-Cold War Ethiopian Land Policy and State Power in Land Commercialisation

講演者④Shinichi Takeuchi (TUFS, Japan / IDE-JETRO, Japan)
講演タイトル④:Land Law Reform and Complex State-building Process in Rwanda


事前申込:必要。申込締め切り2021年9月5日(日)。定員300名。定員になり次第締め切り。本例会案内ページ(http://www.tufs.ac.jp/asc/events/ascseminar/210907ASCSeminar61.html)より事前にお申し込みください。Zoom 情報は9 月6 日(月)に登録メールアドレス宛てにお送りします。どちらかの日程のみの参加でも構いません。

お問合せ:東京外国語大学現代アフリカ地域研究センター asc[a]tufs.ac.jp(送信の際には[a]を@に変更してください)

