
56th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for African Studies
Circular No. 1

November 9th, 2018

The 56th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for African Studies will be held from Saturday, May 18th, 2019 to Sunday, May 19th at Kyoto Seika University in Kyoto City. Those who wish to participate should register online on the JAAS web site. Your participation is welcome.

Conference Chair, Oussouby Sacko

1. Conference Venue

Kyoto Seika University
137 Kino-cho, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8588 JAPAN

2. Conference Dates

May 18th, 2019 (Saturday): Oral presentations, “core time” for poster presentations, general meeting, trustees’ meeting, banquet dinner
May 19th, 2019 (Sunday): Oral presentations, public symposium

3. Research Presentations

The Conference will revolve around oral presentations, poster presentations and forums. Those who wish to present should select one of the presentation formats available. In addition, on the afternoon of Saturday, May 18th, core time will be provided solely for poster presentations. Just as last year, the executive committee will offer an award for the best poster presentation. We strongly encourage poster presentations as they allow more time for in-depth discussion. Should we receive a sufficient number of applications to present in English, we are considering holding an English language question and answer session at the conference.

4. Adjustment of Presentation Numbers

Due to venue limitations, we are allowed to screen abstracts as agreed at the 2008 Annual Conference. Therefore, kindly note that you may be asked to change the format of your presentation.

5. Presentation Application and Submission of Abstracts

Starting this year, both your conference registration and presentation application are available online. Fill in the application form from the website (https://african-studies.jp/reg/).

Presenters MUST submit an abstract of the presentation via e-mail after completing the website registration. Please note that the deadlines for registration and abstract submission are earlier than usual.

If you have any problems with the online registration, please contact the Dogura Co. office via e-mail, phone or fax. Please submit your name, affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address, indicate whether or not you are applying to give a presentation, and indicate whether or not you plan to attend the banquet dinner and the general meeting. If you are applying to make a presentation, please provide the presenter's name, presentation format, presentation topic, and indicate whether or not you plan to attend the banquet dinner and the general meeting, If you do not plan to attend the general meeting, please fill out the Letter of Proxy. The registration information should be received by January 15th.

Dogura Co. Office
Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays
Tel 075-451-4844
Fax 075-441-0436
Email: africa-gakkaijimu-dogura(at)mbr.nifty.com (replace (at) with @)

Even if you are not participating in the conference, we ask that you submit your Letter of Proxy for the general meeting using the online form.

Deadline for registration of presentations: Tuesday, January 15th
Deadline for submission of abstracts: Tuesday, January 29th
(Please format your abstract in accordance with the following “Guidelines for Preparing Presentation Abstracts” and kindly send it by email.)
Deadline for pre-conference registration: Friday, April 26th
(After the deadline, you can register onsite at the conference.)

Since 2016, conference programs and abstracts have been posted on the JAAS official website. For a fixed interval before and after the meeting, this year’s program and abstracts will be viewable on the web. Kindly note that by submitting your abstract and content, you are granting full consent to JAAS to publish your work via this platform.

Non-member researchers on Africa who reside abroad are also welcome to present at this conference. However, this is limited to those researchers who can secure the support of a member in their registration, submission of abstract, and where required, obtaining a visa. Non-member researchers residing abroad should include all necessary registration information (name, specialty, affiliation, presentation format, presentation topic, attendance/absence from the banquet dinner, etc.) as well as information about the member who is supporting them in their application (name, affiliation, address, phone number, and email address). The information should be sent by email to the Dogura Co. Office. All other aspects of registration, including registration to participate or present, abstract submissions, methods of advance payment of registration fees, and deadlines shall be the same as for members.

6. Notes Regarding Presentations

  1. Be sure to submit BOTH your registration and completed abstract by their respective deadlines. Registrations and abstracts will NOT be accepted if either or both are received after the deadlines.
  2. Those wishing to make a poster presentation should also submit an abstract.
  3. Those presenting collaborative projects should enter the names of all contributors on the registration form and put a circle before the name of the presenter. The presenters shall be limited to members only.
  4. If you wish to hold a forum, the organizer should check “Forum” on the registration form, enter the title of the forum under “Title,” enter the names of all presenters under “Presenter,” and put a circle before the name of the organizer. Each presenter should also select “Forum” on their registration form and enter the forum title or the organizer's name under “Title”. The maximum time allotment for a forum is 1 hour and 15 minutes (calculated on the basis of a presenter limit of 5 individuals with 15 minutes allotted per presenter). The forum organizer should assemble abstracts from each presenter and submit them together. Note that we are unable to accept proposals for such presentations unless the full set of abstracts is submitted.
  5. Non-members who wish to present (except for non-member researchers on Africa residing abroad who have the support of a member) must complete an application for membership before Tuesday, January 15th, 2019. If the board of directors approves the application, the new member may be asked to immediately submit membership fees for 2019. For more details, please visit the Japan Association for African Studies website at [https://african-studies.com/] or [https://african-studies.com/en/index_e.html]. If anyone knows a non-member who wishes to present, please advise them to complete this process.
  6. The time limit for oral presentations, including questions and answers, is 15 minutes.
  7. Poster presentation (core time) is provided on the afternoon of Day 1. During this time, poster presenters will engage in discussion with attendees on their posters. More detailed guidelines will be provided shortly.
  8. There shall be one (1) presentation per person for all oral presentations, poster presentations and forums.

7. Registration for the Conference and Banquet Dinner

All participants, including non-presenting members of the audience, are required to register. We encourage you to submit your registration form on the website by Friday, April 26th in order to prevent congestion at the venue and a shortage of food at the Banquet Dinner. Your kind cooperation is highly appreciated.

8. Registration Fees (Prospective)

Important changes were made about the fee and the deadline for early bird discount. Please refer to the Circular No. 2 for the updated information.

Early Registration (Until April 26th)
Conference Registration: ¥4,000 (Student ¥2,000), Banquet Dinner: ¥7,000 (Student ¥4,000)
Standard/Onsite (From April 27th)
Conference Registration: ¥5,000 (Student ¥3,000), Banquet Dinner: ¥8,000 (Student ¥5,000)

  • Registration and Banquet Dinner fees remitted before April 27th will be discounted by ¥1,000 each as shown above. Circular No. 2 will provide further information about payment methods and deadlines. We would appreciate it if you could pay registration fees by the early registration deadline. Kindly take note that the fees may change according to the number of registrations received.
  • If you cancel your registration after paying the participation fee, please contact us via e-mail by the day before the Conference. As to the participation fee, we will deduct the handling fee from the total amount and refund the rest. The Banquet Dinner fee cannot be refunded.

9. Child Care

A day care area has been planned for the conference. Circular No. 2 will provide more detailed information.

10. Information about Lodging Facilities, etc.

Finding last-minute accommodations in Kyoto is extremely difficult. Please be sure to make lodging reservations as early as possible.

We plan to post further information regarding the 2019 Conference on the JAAS website. For inquiries regarding the conference, please contact us by the following means:

Executive Office for the 56th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for African Studies c/o: Prof. Sawada, Masato
Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University
Sakyo, Kyoto
E-mail: associationforafricanstudies56(at)gmail.com (replace (at) with @)
Phone: 075-702-5211

Guidelines for Preparing Presentation Abstracts

Please prepare your abstract in the format described below and submit it to the abstract submission email address (abstractjaas2019(at)gmail.com (replace (at) with @)) as both a Word and PDF document (2 files in total). Abstracts will be printed in the form that they are submitted. If you are unable to submit an abstract in these two formats, please send an email to the above mentioned email address in advance to consult with the executive committee member in charge of abstracts.

Abstracts will be printed on A4 sized paper. Please use margins of 25mm on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right). For your convenience, an Abstract Template file (doc, 35.8KB) has been posted for use on the [56th Conference homepage].

Please use the font MS Mincho (MS 明朝体) for Japanese text and Times New Roman for English text.

Please enter the title of your abstract in 12-point bold font and any subtitle and/or presenter name/s and affiliation/s in 11-point bold font.

Please use 10-point font for the main body of your text and use fixed 14-point line spacing. You may use either Japanese or English; however, please limit your abstract to one page.


The deadline for your abstract submission is Tuesday, January 29th (The submission must reach us no later than the due date). If your abstract does not arrive by the deadline, your presentation will be considered as cancelled.

We will not accept your abstract if we have not received your online registration by Tuesday, January 15th.

Since 2016, we have posted abstracts as-is on the JAAS website. Please be aware of this fact when you prepare your abstract.

Please send abstracts or inquiries concerning them by email to: abstractjaas2019(at)gmail.com (replace (at) with @)


〒606-8588 京都市左京区岩倉木野町137
京都精華大学人文学部 澤田研究室気付
E-mail: associationforafricanstudies56(at)gmail.com
