The JAAS General meeting on May 23 decided to adopt membership fee exemption measures for those who are experiencing difficulties in continuing their research activities due to the economic depression triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

1) Eligible members: non-permanent or non-fulltime workers as well as undergraduate and graduate students whose income has been or will be reduced to less than half of the normal times during the months of April and May 2020.
2) Application document: a 1 page password protected PDF document in A4 with a written description of your economic condition in relation to the point 1 above.
3) Submission: For information security, you are required to send the application email in 2 parts. In the first email send the application document as an attached file and write “Application for membership fee exemption” in the subject line. In the second email, send the password. Write “PW” as the e-mail subject. The address of JAAS secretariat office is info (atmark) (please change “atmark” to @)
4) Inquiry: Inquiries can be sent to the same email above. Write “Inquiry about membership fee exemption” as the subject.
5) Application deadline: June 26 (Friday), 2020
6) Screening and notification: JAAS directors will review the applications and inform the applicants of the result by e-mail by July 10.
7) Privacy policy: The information submitted will not be used for any purposes other than informing the decision of the JAAS directors, and will not be disclosed to any third parties.